Norwegian Network on Disability Research

NNFF is a multidisciplinary network of researchers and other stakeholders who work with research on disability, functional impairment and marginalisation/discrimination.

NoNDR is a multi-disciplinary network of researchers and others interested in the field of disability, reduced function and marginalisation/discrimination. The Network will be a meeting place where members can present and discuss their research. The intention being to stimulate work in this field and to encourage Norwegian, Nordic and international collaboration. The Network was established at the 1st National Conference on Disability Research held in Lillehammer in September 2004 and is lead by a committee.

The Network does not have a membership as such, rather those who wish to be involved register their interest to the mailing list below.

The Network’s main activity will be to arrange a national research conference every other year. The conference will alternate with the nordic conferences arranged by the Nordic Network on Disability Research.

Information on associated activities in the field will be published on these web pages: other conferences, literature, etc. In the longer term, we plan to develope the internet site by opening up for debate. The Network site will be regularly updated.

The President of the network is Professor Marianne Hedlund, NTNU ( Input in connection with the Network, should be addressed to the president, who will then ensure that the information is published.

Newsletter from NNFF

Join the NoNDR mailing list

Sign up for the NoNDR mailing list and receive information about the NNFF conferences and possibly similar conferences within the same subject area.